P. 17

On the contrary, she recalls that her first year was almost
catastrophic since she played in a group of “left-overs”;
however, in that warm summer week, she met two of her now
band members, and their close bonds began blossoming weeks
after their first encounter.
They played their first gig in a seemingly large venue, Chapeau
Rouge. Sophia went on to share memories of this initial gig.
Reputedly, the stress began to announce its presence about 20
minutes before they were to go on stage.
“I was really nervous
to perform the songs I wrote at home, in my living room, to 200
people who were watching me and recording everything I did
with their phones” she sighs softly.
“But at the end of the day, I was so grateful, because everyone
could find themselves in some of my lyrics. And that is the most
rewarding feeling.
And what plans does she have for the future? In addition to
sitting down sometimes to record some of her own songs for
her own satisfaction, the prodigious guitarist aspires to
organise an event in which other female musicians will be
given the space to show their music to the world.
“It's not an
anti-men thing, not at all, I just feel like female bands and
players are so overlooked in this industry,
” she reveals.
Alongside this, Sophia raises and highlights an important point
regarding young women in music.
“Most girls are only singers
in bands because all they see are female singers in the
spotlight. But I think it's such a huge world that hasn't opened
to different people yet,
” she concludes, leaving this interview
with a lighthearted yet important message.
everyone could find themselves
in some of my lyrics

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