Page 11 - Unleashing the Creative Process.pdf
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product. Given the array of services which professional ghostwriters should be able to perform (typically, an experienced practitioner will be amenable to research, writing and editing, among a host of other services), their fees are often quite steep. Therefore, make an honest assessment of whether you want to proceed, once you are apprised of the fee. An economic bargained-for exchange is a necessary precondition of the writing collaboration experience. With respect to cost, less is not more. In other words, be wary of those who offer a rate that is too good to be true, and don’t be lured by extraordinarily low fees.
The Significance of Subject Matter/
Continuity of Ideas
Oftentimes, prospective authors ask whether I “believe” in a certain precept or adhere to a particular way of thinking. My reply invariably is, “my opinion is irrelevant. The process is about you, and does not, in any way, relate to what I thinkorfeel.” Boundariesonbothsidescan(andoftenmust)beset,however. Some conditions to my personal intervention are the following (note that for writing collaboration purposes, the terms “author” and “writer” are distinct. The “author” is the person who is named as the manuscript’s originator; the “writer” is the manuscript’s composer):
The content must not appeal to the prurient interest (i.e., subject matter involving lascivious or sexually explicit depictions);
The content must not disseminate hate messages, defamation, or negativity of any kind against any individual or group;
The content must not be horrific or violent in nature;
The content must not tend to endanger the author in any way (i.e., if you are in a compromising or potentially dangerous situation, it is best to wait until the disturbing or dangerous influences fade entirely. Nothing is more important than an individual’s health and safety. This is not a cliché, but an irrefutable truth);

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