Page 7 - 22 November 2024
P. 7
Nqanarhu (Maclear), 13 The house was searched and
November 2024 the ten live sheep recovered.
30 SHEEP RECOVERED Members of the Stock Theft The animals were positively
BY KHOWA and Endangered species identified by their ear marks
by three complainants of the
unit continuous efforts to
prevent and detect stolen same locality.
STOCK THEFT UNIT stock yielded successful in The value of the sheep is R15
Nqanarhu (Maclear). 000-00.
Members from the Khowa that they were left their just to On Sunday the 10th of The sheep were handed over
(Elliot) stock theft unit that be fetched by the criminals. November 2024 ten sheep to the lawful owners and the
work across District borders, No suspects have been were stolen from the Mbid- 38 year old suspect arrested
managed to recover a arrested at this stage, but the lana administration area. for the possession of stolen
considerable amount of investigation continues. During a stock theft stock.
stolen sheep in Ugie.
The recovered animals operation on the 11th of He will appear in the
On 13 November 2024 the could be handed over to the November 2024 by the Nqanarhu magistrate court.
members were informed of lawful owner due to their Khowa (Elliot) Stock Theft
53 sheep that was stolen clear ear marks. unit, at Nqanarhu, members The acting Joe Gqabi
from Trastini in the Ncembu The acting Joe Gqabi under the command of Lt District Commissioner Brig
administration area after the District Commissioner Brig Col Serue, followed up Asogran Naidoo com-
kraal wire was cut. positive information on mended the members on
Asogran Naidoo applauded sheep that were kept in a the successful recoveries
The members started with the members on the house at Mbidlana admin and arrest before the sheep
their investigation and recovery of the stolen stock area. could reach the market.
managed to recover 30 of and once again reiterated
the sheep abandoned in a the importance of the
grazing camp. It is alleged branding of stock.