Page 1 - 21 February 2025
P. 1
The following vehicle was seen parked outside the SAPS offices on Friday, 14 February
2025. As far as we could see, the bakkie was loaded full of “dagga”. We had a little fun
thinking up captions for the photograph. Here are our top two, can any of our readers
think of a better one:
“Have yourself a very HAPPY Valentine’s day.”
or even better . .
“Kyk waar val die Boom.”
Janique is still experiencing a
lot of nausea, please keep
On Friday 14 February, the
Canine Assistant, Snuggles
came for a visit. Janique
always enjoys these visits.
She had a checkup with the
surgeon. The surgeon said
she looks good, but she will
have to have Physical
Therapy once back in South
Africa, as she is still not
moving her neck. She keeps
i t s t i f f , w h i c h i s
understandable after having
the enormous tumor
hampering any movement
for so many years. The
Physical Therapy will help
The surgeon said she would
have to have an MRI Scan
and a capsule endoscopy.
This non-invasive diagnostic Janique with the Canine Assistant, Snuggles, who came to
procedure involves swallow- visit on Valetine’s Day.
ing a tiny capsule with a
camera inside to get a view
of the inside of the digestive People can be very
tract. This surgery is thoughtful and caring.
scheduled for Wednesday, Nadine placed the
19 February. following on
Facebook: “Baie
On Monday Janique was not
dankie aan Tannie
feeling at all well and was Amanda Murphy vir al
feeling nauseous and die moeite om Cream
emotional. She had blood
tests done and for safety, was Soda vir Janique in
die U.S.A te bekom.”
put into isolation while they The Cream Soda helps
waited for the test results. An
X-ray of her chest was also for her nausea.
taken. The chest x-ray
showed that she had no
pneumonia or infection in
the lungs. Very good news
Her respiratory panel came
Baie geluk aan Arno van back and was positive for the
Damme wat ‘n sertifikaat vir rhino/enterovirus, which
die beste resultate in die causes the common cold.
2024 matriek eksamens in Since she has a cold she'll be
die vak, Rekenaartoepas- in isolation until symptoms
singstegnologie (CAT - resolve.
Computer Applications Dr Sheyn would like to do the
Technology) in die Joe Gqabi endoscopy at Le Bonheur
Distrik, ontvang het . Children's Hospital instead
of St. Jude since they are a
Arno se leerders het ook
100% slaagsyfer behaal. little more experienced with
complex airways. They Janique was not feeling
Die sertifikaat sê: “Top have an appointment with very well, fortunately
Educator in Computer the Nurse Practitioner to go her lungs showed no
Application Technology” en over all the details of the signs of pneumonia or
sê verder: “A symbol of our procedure. infection.
grateful recognition of We wish Janique everything
excellent performance in the of the best and will be If you would like to support the family,
2024 National Senior praying for her during this Janique's banking details are:
Certificate Examinations”. uncomfortable procedure.
Please keep Janique and her Miss J Venter,
Arno is die adjunk-hoof van
die Hoërskool Barkly-Oos. parents, Nadine and Account no: 1690082273,
Jacques, granny Jackie and Savings, CAPITEC.
Baie geluk Arno, welgedaan. all her other family members
in your prayers.