Page 12 - 21 February 2025
P. 12
0720968062 opposite corners of the field does not seem to bother the Huur van offloading tent pieces and authorities.
poles. The problem was the A new filling station is being Tent en stoele
rain came and the trucks got erected in Van Riebeeck
stuck and to be pulled out Street next to Cashbuild. vir begrafnisse of partytjies.
leaves trenches and making Wo r k i n p r o g r e s s i s Ook springkasteel en
the field unplayable for both progressing very well.
rugby and soccer. Officials in Looking forward to the “slippery slide” is beskikbaar
the Elundini Sports office congestion lower down
Sjoe! Wat het alles gebeur oorlede. Sy broer het hom does not seem to be too being alleviated a little. Vir pryse, kontak
sedert my laaste bydrae? kom haal en hy was in bothered about the state of Reggie Lefember • 063 3345 358
David Aucamp en sy broer, Cathcart terrustegelê. the field and the fact that Kapaailand RFC traveled to
Kokstad this past Saturday to
HD, is beide terug uit Hens Fourie is op 31 rugby is about to start and play in the second leg of the
Amerika. Ettienne Meiring en Januarie oorlede en 'n soccer is still ongoing. Matthew Burger Cup.
Jaco Botha ook. gedenkdiens is deur Ds A big bone of contention is Kokstad won by 25-23. Who
7 Desember was die jaarlikse Wesley Lamprecht gehou in the section of the street from infact will be the winners of
Maclear Round Table die Maclear N.G. Kerk op the bottom of Ahrbeck the cup, is still to be decided.
Kersfees Steakhouse met Saterdag 8 Februarie. Street going towards the On 8 February a number of
k e r s v a d e r w a t w e e r Na 'n jarelange siekbed is Maclear Country Club.
oudergewoonte geskenkies Pieter de Wit oorlede op 8 Apparently, and according to members of the Drakens-
berg Rugby Referees Society
vir die kinders gebring het. Februarie en is daar in die the Elundini Municipality, attended the annual Border
Maclear Baptiste Kerk op 14 this section is part of a
Die N.G. Gemeentes van district/national road and, is Rugby Referees Association
Ugie en Maclear het op 8 Februarie 'n gedenkdiens therefore the responsibility Mini Fitness Camp. They
Desember afskeid geneem gehou, gelei deur Pastoor of either Joe Gqabi District were transported by Steven
van Ds Gideon. Steven. Municipality or SANRAL, this Whittal. They were: Thabang
Reggie Lefember was vir ‘n Mpitsa, Ovayo Mkumatela,
Baie geluk aan David notwithstanding the fact that
Aucamp en Juané van der lang tyd in die hospitaal in there are at least two houses, Aluta Wana, Isipho Pula and
Walt wat op 14 Desember Oos-Londen. Hy is tans by the plans of which to build Zusakhe Tomose.
2024 by Sandstone Sleeper die huis, maar moet in Maart there, had been approved by The Drakensberg Rugby
Estates buite Bloemfontein weer die spesialiste gaan the Elundini Municipality Referees Society had its
in die huwelik bevestig is. sien. Ons bid hom 'n prior to it being built,and the Annual General Meeting on
volkome herstel van sy
Baie geluk aan Jacques en gesondheid toe. owners paying rates and Saturday 15 February at the
Jean-Marie du Plessis met taxes to the Elundini Maclear Baptist Church Hall.
Henco se doop in die N.G. Die plaaslike Griekwatak het Municipality, not to Joe The following members were
Kerk, Sterkstroom Sondag Sondagmiddag in die N.G. Gqabi or SANRAL, and elected as the Executive for
15 Desember 2024. Die Kerk, Clearview 'n ver- notwithstanding the fact the the next three years:
doop is behartig deur Ds. gadering gehad. Maclear Country Club Honorary Chairperson: Nic
Dewald Davel. Baie geluk On the weekend of 7 – 9 property is owned by the Botha
ook aan André en Louise van February the ANC held its Elundini Local Municipality. Deputy Chairperson: Lungile
Heerden, die grootouers. 113th birthday celebrations And whilst they argue about David
‘n Aantal van die familie het in Maclear at the town hall, in who needs to fix it, it General Secretary: Daniel
van Maclear af gegaan om Clearview and on the TV Park deteriorates daily, especially Mpitsa
die doopplegtigheid by te Sports Field. Sadly, the so now in the rainy season. Assistant General Secretary:
woon. many posters are still Speaking about roads and Thabisile Luthuli
hanging on the streetlight streets. The “Old Ugie Main Treasurer: Steven Whittal
Op 16 Desember was daar 'n Regional Secretaries:
Geloftediens in die N.G. poles all over town, Road” is deteriorating just as (1) Reo van Schalkwyk
Kerk, Maclear gehou. Die Clearview and the other fast. The entrance to assisted by Chris Neveling
boodskap was deur Nic areas. If this were political Clearview from the road into for the Indwe, Dordrecht,
Botha gebring. Hy het ook election posters, it would Pine Street, is in a sorry state, Queenstown, Cathcart,
die Kersdagboodskap have constituted a criminal making it very difficult for Stutterheim and Kei Road
offence, but now, who knows
gebring. motorists/residents to use
because nothing can be the entrance to get to their members.
Klein Melia Engelbrecht was found in the By-laws of the homes and to church. (2) Andile Fikizolo assisted
in Januarie vir 'n paar dae in Elundini Municipality and by Onke Madlebe - for the
Oos-Londen in die hos- may I add, the municipality For the past 3 years, or Nqamakwe members.
pitaal, maar is weer terug by won't care. maybe even more, the local Additional members: Chief
die huis. magistrate's offices are Mongezi Bhele Mabandla,
After the celebrations in being, or were being
Oom Spreeu Pagel is op 22 town, the main street was a renovated. If not mistaken, Thembekile Dan Wana,
Januarie oorlede en op 29 mess with rubbish strewn all by two or three different Onwaba Gova.
Januarie was daar in die over. The same goes for the contractors, but what should 8 February was a very busy
Maclear Baptiste Kerk 'n open space next to the N.G. have been a 10 month day in Maclear. Kapaailand
gedenkdiens gehou wat Kerk Clearview. contract, is still not finished. RFC played against Kokstad
deur Pastoor Steven Coming to TV Park Sports The last contractor moved RFC in the inaugural Mat-
waargeneem is. thew Burger Cup. Kapaai-
Field: oh, my word! On off site in 2024 and no other
23 Januarie is Magdel Friday afternoon, two trucks contractor had been land won the match by 19-
Vorster se vriend, Marius, with trailers were seen in appointed to finish the job. 14. The return fixture will be
Meantime, all work as well as played in Kokstad soon.
the court proceedings have Groete tot volgende keer
to be done from prefab Nic
buildings and a container 0720968062
holding cell. And again, it
Albert Willem Theodore Pagel
(Oupa Spreeu)
21/07/1937 — 23/01/2025