Page 4 - 21 February 2025
P. 4
When Peter stepped out of Bible says, "Abraham never
We think of Abraham with a Abraham eventually reached God wants you to have a joy, not to mention time the boat at the command of wavered in believing God's
halo. Hardly. Not once, but the place in his walk with peaceful state of mind. His spent with our family. Our Jesus, he was doing promise. In fact, his faith
twice he throws his wife God where his résumé word says: "Let the peace lives are consumed with the something he had never grew stronger, and in this he
under the bus. As they reads: "Who, contrary to (soul harmony which pressure and stress of trying done before; something brought glory to God"
traveled through Egypt, hope, in hope believed, so comes) from Christ rule (act to hold on to what we miraculous - walking on (Romans 4:20 NLT).
Abram says to Sarai, "You're that he became the father of as umpire continually) in gained. But we are never water. As long as he Abraham was aware of his
a beautiful woman; I'm afraid many nations, according to your hearts [deciding and truly successful unless we remained in faith, he was situation, but unlike Peter, he
the Egyptians will want to kill what was spoken, 'So shall settling with finality all have peace. successful, but when fear was not preoccupied with it.
me so someone can have your descendants be.' And questions that arise in your Some of us work several jobs gripped his heart, he began It was his determined and
you for a wife, so let's tell not being weak in faith, he minds, in that peaceful state] to sink. The Bible says, focused faith that propelled
them you're my sister" (See did not consider his own to acquire what the world "When he saw the strong him forward to success.
Genesis 12:11-13). Pharaoh body, already dead (since he to which as [members of dangles in front of us, wind and the waves, he was
does take Sarai into his was about a hundred years Christ's] one body you were saying, "You must have this terrified and began to sink. And you can learn from
harem - giving Abram, her old), and the deadness of also called [to live]" (v. 15 to be truly happy." We get 'Save me, Lord!' he shouted. Pe t e r ' s m i s t a ke a n d
"brother," a bunch of sheep, Sarah's womb. He did not AMPC). those "things," but we still Jesus immediately reached Abraham's example.
cattle, donkeys, servants, waver at the promise of God No position or possession is don't have any peace. out and grabbed him" (vv. You can be aware of your
and camels. Rather than through unbelief, but was worthwhile if you don't have Romans 14:17 tells us, "The 30-31 NLT). Peter's mistake circumstances, but not
feeling guilty and coming strengthened in faith, giving peace; money, status, kingdom of God is not meat was that he became preoccupied with them. You
clean, Abram simply says, glory to God, and being fully p o p u l a r i t y - i t ' s a l l and drink" - it is not things preoccupied with the storm. can purposely keep your
"Thank you very much." And convinced that what He had meaningless if you lack that money can buy or status When he focused on the mind on Jesus, trusting in
if you think that's bad, when promised He was also able peace. can secure - but it is circumstances around him faith that He will provide the
Abraham and Sarah are in to perform" (Romans 4:18- "righteousness, and peace, rather than on the Saviour miracle you need. So, the
the Negev later on, recorded 22 NKJV). You simply cannot put a and joy in the Holy Ghost." close to him, he lost his faith word for you today is - keep
in Genesis 20, he does the N o t e t h e w o r d s price on the value of peace. God wants you to have your and began to doubt. your eyes on Jesus, stay
whole "she's my sister" "strengthened in faith." Many of us spend our lives needs met abundantly and Abraham faced a different focused on what He has
routine a second time.
God's plan is not to discard trying to climb the ladder of to be in a position to bless but equally difficult set of promised you in His Word,
Why doesn't God just give up you, but to develop your faith success, but every time we others. But don't seek to circumstances: fathering a keep walking by faith, and
on him? Because Abraham and use you to bring glory to go up one more rung, we have anything if you cannot son when he was almost one you will get to where you
doesn't give up on God! His name. lose more of our peace and have it peacefully. hundred years old. But the need to be.
infrastructure development, taken a clear stance against have a golden opportunity
it is acceptable. But the South Africa. This is not due during the State of the
vague definition of “public to statements by individuals Nation Address (SONA) to
interest” and the evidence l i k e E l o n M u s k o r d e m o n s t r a t e y o u r
that 90% of previously organisations like AfriForum, statesmanship in the best
transferred land is no longer but because of the ANC's interest of South Africa by
productive are clear own policy direction, which announcing that the
warnings of the irresponsible undermines investment Expropriation Act, in its
manner in which this policy security. The government is current form, will not
could be implemented. The not putting the country first proceed. If this opportunity
consequences for food but rather prioritising its own passes without decisive
security and economic p o w e r. I n t e r n a t i o n a l action, it will be clear that
stability are severe. decisions—such as the US's political considerations have
South Africa cannot achieve choice to withdraw financial been placed above South
Africa's well-being.
economic growth while support for South Africa if
The implementation of the country. ahead with a policy that investor confidence is being this law is enacted—should President Ramaphosa, the
Expropriation Act is a It is clear that this decision jeopardises the economic systematically destroyed. serve as a serious warning. time for decision-making is
watershed moment for originates from the 2017 future of young South The ANC has, over decades, Countries that position now. Will you put South
South Africa. TLU SA ANC conference, where the Africans. positioned itself as a party themselves in this way Africa's interests first, or will
recognises the enormous internal power struggle TLU SA therefore makes a pursuing a socialist, centra- cannot expect continued you proceed with a policy
impact this law will have on between Ace Magashule's serious appeal to President lised economic model — s u p p o r t f r o m t h e that will destroy the country's
the economy, investor faction, which aggressively Ramaphosa: Now is the time despite the global failure of international community. economic future? The
c o n f i d e n c e , a n d t h e to demonstrate true states- this system. The most President Ramaphosa, you choice is yours.
country's future. If enforced, pushed for expropriation manship. If he genuinely successful economies are
it will severely undermine any without compensation, and places South Africa's those that protect private
attempt at economic growth Ramaphosa's faction, which interests above his own property rights and allow a
and prosperity. South Africa only agreed to it provided the position in the ANC, he must free-market system where
needs stability and policies economy was not harmed, withdraw this law for review. entrepreneurs can create
that encourage investment shaped the policy direction. The core issue is not the wealth. This is the hard
— not a government and a However, this condition has principle of an expropriation reality.
president who prioritise their since quietly disappeared, law itself—where market Meanwhile, former US
own future over that of the and the ANC is now forging value is paid for public President Donald Trump has