Page 5 - 21 February 2025
P. 5
dominate South Africa's innovation and data-driven monopoly on labour issues reform through shared
Labour20 platform as it has approaches to sustainable in South Africa and should international best practice.
always and continues to governance. n o t b e t h e s o l e We urge Minister Lamola to
operate with very public For South Africa and the representative on labour open up G20 platforms to be
political interests in favour of region, this must bring concerns in our G20 more representative of all of
the ANC. presidency. South African civil society,
t o g e t h e r l o c a l a n d
This seeming preference by international experts, The DA is committed to leading academics and
DIRCO for left-leaning and academics, and industry ensuring that South Africa's policymakers.
ANC-aligned organisations leaders to pursue greater G20 presidency is beneficial Issued by Ryan Smith, DA
to take part in the many collaboration between to all South Africans and Deputy Spokesperson on
working groups under South private expertise and the brings meaningful policy International Relations
Africa's G20 presidency not state apparatus. change and governance and Co-operation.
only goes against our In light of the above, the DA
claimed G20 philosophy will be writing to DIRCO With thanks to and Jason Woosey
which “emphasises the Minister, Ronald Lamola,
interconnectedness of requesting that he extend
individuals within broader invitations for the L20 and
c o m m u n a l , s o c i e t a l , B20 platforms to the
environmental, and spiritual following organisations non-
contexts”, but does not exclusively: Are we facing an increase or international policies. These
honour or reflect South d e c r e a s e i n M a r c h ? could prove both positive
Africa's new political reality • The National Em- Predicting South Africa’s and negative for oil markets.
of coalition governance at a ployers Association of fuel price outlook is tricky
national level. South Africa (NEASA); business at present, as For instance crude oil prices
reversed their recent gains
Just as the Government of • T h e C e n t r e f o r fluctuating oil prices have on Thursday, driven by
National Unity (GNU) Development and seen states of over-recovery expectations that a potential
In a meeting of parliament's While COSATU is South represents a plurality of Enterprise (CDE); a n d u n d e r - r e c o v e r y peace deal between Ukraine
Portfolio Committee on A f r i c a ' s l a r g e s t South African voices in the • T h e B r e n t h u r s t developing throughout the and Russia could ease
International Relations and representative of labour national executive, so must Foundation; month. sanctions.
Cooperation (DIRCO) this unions, it is an active our nation's G20 presidency As it stands mid-month, the “Such developments could
morning, it was revealed that member of the tripartite represent a diversity of ideas • The South African latest data from the Central reduce the risks of supply
Labour20, South Africa's alliance which supports the and policy positions to solve Institute of Race Energy Fund is pointing to disruptions and could weigh
G20 presidency platform ANC electorally and bolsters our country's most pressing Relations (IRR); increases of 13 cents for 95 on prices. However, the
which represents worker's its policy. Furthermore, problems. • Sakeliga; Unleaded petrol and 25 uncertainty surrounding
interests, has been restricted C O S AT U p l a c e s i t s The Democratic Alliance's • C e n t r e f o r R i s k cents for 93 Unleaded, while developments toward a
to an ANC-aligned political members' interests above (DA) desired outcomes for Analysis. 500ppm diesel is looking set permanent peace could fuel
platform dominated by the South Africa's stability, often S o u t h A f r i c a ' s G 2 0 for a small price hike of some volatility,” said George
Congress of South African resorting to plunging Presidency, submitted in a D i s c u s s i o n s a r o u n d seven cents and no price Pavel, General Manager at
adjustment for 50ppm.
Trade Unions (COSATU). governments and society letter to President Cyril economic and job creation trading firm”
into turmoil to satiate the policies, especially those However, with international
S o b l a t a n t i s t h e Ramaphosa last year, pertaining to labour oil prices having receded in Together, these factors could
p o l i t i c i s a t i o n o f t h e o f t e n a r b i t r a r y a n d emphasised that the Think relations, are rooted in the recent days, this outlook is weigh on prices in the near
Labour20 platform that the impossible demands of its 20 (T20), and broader GNU's Basic Minimum likely to improve between term, creating additional
C O S A T U Z o o m members alone. engagement groups such as Programme of Priorities to now and the end of March uncertainty in the market.
presentation was delivered None of this advances job L a b o u r 2 0 ( L 2 0 ) a n d advance rapid, inclusive, and and if current trends persist, Notwithstanding any rand
by the organisation's creation or the rights of the Business20 (B20), must sustainable economic South Africans could see a weakness that may result,
parliamentary coordinator, millions of South Africa's seek to address current and growth as outlined in the negligible increase or even a this situation is good news
Matthew Parks, seated in unemployed. COSATU emerging challenges to statement of intent. South small decrease, particularly for fuel prices, which are
front of an ANC flag. cannot be permitted to South Africa through in the case of diesel. likely to remain stable in the
Africa's G20 must embody short to medium term.
and be reflective of this There is a great deal of Trump's tariff plans are also
commitment as we host this uncertainty in global mar-
c r u c i a l i n t e r n a t i o n a l kets at present as economic introducing uncertainty to oil
markets, as subdued
engagement. role players digest the
implications of Donald economic growth would
COSATU does not hold the Trump’s tariffs and other dampen oil demand.