Page 9 - 21 February 2025
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                                                                                                                      TOP LEARNERS IN THE DISTRICT
                                                                                      collaborative  effort  in  the   WHO RECEIVED TABLETS AND CERTIFICATES
             Joe Gqabi District Celebrates                                            district's success.
                                                                                      District  Manager  Dr.  Moses
             2024 Grade 12 Top Achievers                                              Mceleli  acknowledged  the
                                                                                      hard  work  of  his  team,
                                                                                      including  circuit  managers,
                                 By: Mochekoane Lekorotsoana -                        principals, and educators, in
                 Communications & Marketing Officer: Joe Gqabi District Municipality  elevating  the  district's
                                                                                      academic  standing.  "It  has
             On Thursday, February 13, 2025, the Joe Gqabi    In  2020,  after  the  district   not been an easy journey, but
             District  Municipality,  in  partnership  with  the   achieved  a  pass  rate  of   we  have  made  significant
                                                              61.5%,  the  Department  of   strides,  as  reflected  in  our
             Department of Education in Joe Gqabi, hosted the   Basic Education sent a team   provincial  rankings.  For
             2024 Grade 12 Top Achievers Awards at the Barkly   to  support  Joe  Gqabi's   those  who  did  not  achieve
             East  High  School  hall.  The  prestigious  event,   leadership  with  the  goal  of   their  desired  results  in  the
             honoring the district's top 12 learners, was led by   i m p r o v i n g   a c a d e m i c    2024 final exams, I urge you
             Acting  Executive  Mayor  Councillor  Unathi     performance.            not  to  give  up.  There  are
             Hlathuka and District Manager Dr. Moses Mceleli.  Speaking  at  the  event   always opportunities to work
                                                              Deputy  Chief  Education   harder  and  improve,"  he
             Earlier in January 2025, the   dedication  of  our  learners,   Specialist at the Department   said. "We remain committed
             national  Department  of   the  commitment  of  our   of  Basic  Education  Ms.   to  our  slogan:  'Bouncing
             Basic Education announced   educators  and  principals,   Mlambo,  highlighted  the   back,  even  stronger,  and
             the  national  and  provincial   and the unwavering support   progress  the  district  has   leaving no one behind.'"
             pass rates, with the national   from parents," she stated.  made.  "Looking  at  the   Generous  donations  were
             pass rate standing at 87.3%                      district's  overall  results,  it's   made  to  support  the  top
             and  the  Eastern  Cape                          clear  we  have  not  sown   achievers:  PG  Bison
             achieving  an  impressive                        seeds in dry soil but in fertile   contributed  24  vouchers
             84.98%  —  a  significant                        ground.  Congratulations  to   valued  at  R12,000,  Old
             improvement  of  3.6  per-                       J o e   G q a b i   f o r   t h i s    Mutual  provided  trophies,
             centage  points  from  the                       outstanding  achievement,"   150 shoes, bags, and dignity
             81.4% pass rate in 2023.                         said Ms. Mlambo.        packs, JENN offered 12 gift
             During  her  address  at  the                    The  event  also  received   vouchers worth R6,000, and
             awards  ceremony,  Acting                        messages  of  support  from   the  Joe  Gqabi  District
             Executive  Mayor  Councillor                     various  unions  within  the   Municipality  donated  12
             Unathi  Hlathuka  empha-                         education  sector,  further   t a b l e t s   f o r   t h e   t o p -
             sized  the  collective  effort                   e m p h a s i z i n g   t h e    performing learners
             behind  the  85%  achieve-
             ment of the 2024 Grade 12
             learners.  "This  remarkable
             success  would  not  have
             been  possible  without  the
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