Page 9 - Grace Mail Summer Edition
P. 9

Please try and follow the one-way system in place within the hall, where appropriate.
Windows should be opened in rooms where people are gathering, even on colder days. We hope this won’t be necessary by the winter, but, if it is, we just need to be mindful we might need an extra layer.
We will continue with Test and Trace, and the booking system for now, and will review at the beginning of September.
We are now able to sing, and we will sing during the last song. Again, we will review this in September.
The seats have been arranged so that you have the option either to sit by yourself, with someone you normally mix with, or within your household. We hope you will find the options reassuring and welcoming.
Testing and illness:
You can get tests you can do at home from local pharmacies. It’s not particularly pleasant, but it is reassuring to see your test show as clear. If in doubt, you should arrange a full test in the usual ways.
And if you are showing symptoms, or have Covid, please do not come to the hall until you know you’re clear.
Working Together:
We hope that in following the guidance, and taking care of one another, we will remain a Covid-safe building, showing in every way that our love of God is extended to our care for others during these ever-changing days.
   9. Grace Mail

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