Page 48 - KCRPCA Jan Feb 2018
P. 48

 Stan Thorne
year’s drive. I was not disappointed. Fred Quintana led us on one of the most fun driving adventures I have had in a long time.
We met near the Independence Mall to sign waivers and get directions. With close to 30 cars lined up, we were ready to go.
lined train tracks, with gentle ups and downs, twists and turns.
Cresting a hill, we came to a stop and waited. I soon found out why. The small town of Lexington was having a parade. In the confusion of waving us around, we found ourselves in the parade! Clowns riding mini bikes,  re trucks,  oats sponsored by the local high school and the KCRPCA!
Moving along at a snail’s (parade) pace we revved our engines and waved at the crowd. I overheard a small kid sitting on the curb “This is the best parade ever!” I could not help but wonder how we could  gure out how to crash the parade again next year.
About mid-way on the drive, we stopped to reorganize and laugh about our adventure. We gathered in the local Subway parking lot. It’s funny how 30 plus Porsches tend to gather onlookers. Subway almost became a mini car show.
Rested and refueled, we rolled out following Fred’s bright yellow 996TT. The return path was as fun as the outgoing; spirited, curvy, and perfect for a Saturday afternoon drive. Many of us  nished the drive at a nearby restaurant for lunch.
When the Independence Fun Run rolls out in 2018, I will not miss it. After all, I love a good parade.
I Love A Parade
nfortunately, I missed last year’s It took us a turn or two to get out of the Independence Fun Run. And, Mall area, but Fred soon had us zipping after hearing the laughter and down some wooded back roads. The
stories, I was not going to miss this rolling back roads danced along the tree
Jan / Feb 2018
- Stan

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