Page 10 - KCRPCA NovDec 2020
P. 10
TELL THE STORY BETTY JO TURNER AWARD LIGHTNING STRIKES AGAIN. BEST NEWSLETTER IN THE COUNTRY! EDITOR IN-CHIEF STAN THORNE Itook the KCRPCA’s Newsletter Editor position because, well, no one else raised their hand. I’m so glad I did because it has made for a great story. Being the Newsletter Editor has given me unique insight to our club, its members, PCA National and I have made some lifelong friends along the way. But the best part of being the Der Sportwagen Editor is the joy of telling our own KCRPCA members’ stories. I have shared memories of a member’s original 356’s in One Car Of My Life ( yxcgms9y). There was also the story of the 125-mile journey one man made to come to breakfast (https:// tinyurl. com/ y3dbgm4j). If memory serves me correctly, he left at 4:00 AM. Beat that! I always like the stories of members helping members. We found a dead bird while doing the brakes and cleaning out Jim Cumming’s Boxster S radiators. 11 YEARS 10 Der Sportwagen