Page 35 - KCRPCA JulyAug 2022
P. 35
layer of asphalt, but not tarring or laying down fresh blacktop. Still, I don’t like surprises when I am leading a drive. The tour slowed down and I radioed the second group to be on the watch for the road construction, while the workers waved at all the cars as they passed. It was all good.
The rest of the drive was pure Missouri rolling hill goodness. There is something that happens when you are meandering along on a country road. The fields look greener. The clouds seem to float by. The farm kid stops in his driveway to wave at the cars as they drive by. A slice of Americana? Whatever it is, I think “it” is part of why we get such good turnouts on our driving tours. Don’t get me wrong; driving my Cayman rocks, but the whole involvement of the drive is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Arriving at the Riverwood Winery, I led the procession of Porsches to the front lawn. There is a large front lawn perfect for everyone to park and display the cars. Soon after the first group was parked and members
Der Sportwagen