Page 5 - NYPD Columbia -Jan. 2023 Newsletter
P. 5

Financial Secretary Lieutenant Jack Conway
    Brooklyn Financial Secretary
Lieutenant John Balestriere
Lieutenant Jack Conway Manhattan Financial Secretary
Hello Brooklyn!
The New Year is here and let’s make it a great one! We had a great couple of months with great participation and support of Columbia and events/meetings. Of course, in this borough we had a huge turnout for our annual Columbus Day parade. Always a great event to support our Italian heritage on Columbus Day. Going forward into the New Year, please contact myself and my fellow trustees for the new membership cards. I’m sure 2023 will be a bigger and better year than ever! See you at the monthly meetings.
Hello Manhattan,
   What a great job with membership this year! I am so thrilled also with the support from Brooklyn at our annual Cigar night, Hockey game and of course our flagship Columbus Day Parade! I am proud to represent Brooklyn and will continue to into the New Year. Membership cards will be available very soon, please contact me and the Brooklyn Trustees to receive the cards for your command. See you all very soon, and all the best for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Lieutenant John Balestriere Brooklyn Financial Secretary

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