Page 6 - Columbia Association -April 2023 Newsletter
P. 6

  Staten Island
Financial Secretary Sergeant Anthony Cannata
Financial Secretary Dectective John Caruso
Hello to the Bronx!
Hope Everyone enjoyed their winter and holidays
with their families, now it is time to welcome spring
with open arms. Our annual dinner dance will be held
on Friday May 5th at Russos on the bay. Please come and support our honorees, this year we have a great line up. Always a great time. We also have ordered new merchandise, we will display at the dinner.
As always, thank you for supporting this great organization. Please reach out to me if you need anything.
Detective John Caruso - 40 Precinct Detective Squad 257 Alexander Avenue, Bronx NY 10454
Work- 718-402-2556 Cell- 929-287-5372
I would like to welcome Deputy Inspector Spataro back to Staten Island as commanding officer of the 120 precinct. I also want to congratulate and welcome Deputy Chief Joseph Gulotta as the Executive Officer of PBSI. I want to thank all our Columbia members for your continued support. Stay safe and God bless.
Hello Staten Island!
Anthony Cannata Staten Island Financial Secretary

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