Page 1 - Handout 1
P. 1
Session 1 Cra�Ar�st 2 for Beginners - Handout 1 ©
Trainer Susan FArrugia
The Scissor Tool
The Scissor Tool is used to cut any item or group of items on your page.
1. Cu�ng free form lines
1. Use the Select tool to select one or more items.
2. On the Standard toolbar, click the Scissor Tool.
3. On the Scissor context toolbar, select a scissor type from the dropdown
4. To create a freeform cut, click and drag across the item(s).
(Unselected items that the cu�ng line crosses will not be split.)
5. To remove a cut sec�on, click it.
To retain a cut sec�on, hold down the Shi� key, and then click the sec�on you
want to retain. (All other por�ons of the item will be deleted.)
To retain both sec�ons and split them apart:
• Click the Select tool and then click a cut sec�on.
• Drag the sec�on into its new posi�on.