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Vol. 3 Spring 2020


     The NW Arkansas ESC Literacy Newsletter

       In This Issue:

         Literacy Squad                         SPRING: A SEASON OF RENEWAL
         Tech Tools
                                               While the trees and flowers blossom and Northwest
         R.I.S.E.                        Arkansas adds a splash of color to its canvas, many of us find
         In the Spotlight                ourselves in unchartered waters. Our classrooms have become

         Online Learning PD              virtual spaces, social distancing has become the new norm, and
                                          preparations for standardized testing have been waived for the

               Contact Us                 school year. This latter bit of information is perhaps a silver
                                          lining to all the changes right now!
                                                 Although these are uncertain times, educators have risen to
              (479) 267-7450
                                          the challenge and are learning new ways to teach online,
                    Visit                 communicate with their students and keep even the youngest of

          4 Double Springs Rd.,           our students learning! We commend you for your efforts and
                                          are here to help you in any way we can. We hope this newsletter
                                          gives you both essential tech tools and creative inspiration as
                  M - Th:                 we move forward together.

             7:30am - 4:00pm
                                          Take Care,
                                          Angie, Judy, and Cindy
             7:30am - 3:30pm

                                                                                         “Excellence is to do a
                                                                                         common thing in an
                                                                                         uncommon way.”

                                                                                         Booker T. Washington
                                 Need directions to the NWAESC?
                                                                                           (from Pea Ridge schools’ website)
                                  Click on the Google map above!
                                  Photo Caption

                                          Make sure you get your copy of the quarterly news-
                                             letter in your inbox! You can sign up HERE.
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