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Often times, the typical argument goes something like this:
“For pure  shability, nothing beats a massive center console with quad 350s, tearing over the open water to Bimini. I don’t need the full suite of creature comforts for the trip out and back.”
“There’s something to be said about the extra protection and comfort my sport sh yacht provides, not to mention the overnight possibilities, and the  shing experience is top-notch.”
A happy medium, especially if you prefer to stick with outboards, is to consider an upscale monster walkaround outboard. But which vessel will suit your needs best?
As the  shing market continues to evolve, OEMs have adapted
to consumer desires, sometimes resulting in confusion and information overload regarding the seemingly endless options, especially as center consoles have grown to 40'+ in length and many manufacturers in the 35'+ CC market have berths now.
You may  nd yourself asking, “should I choose the brute power and  shability of a fully-loaded large center console or a sophisticated beauty with more comfort and all the necessary  shability such as a custom Walk Around?” Hardcore  shermen love center console boats, but what about when your  ve-year-old needs a nap?
It inevitably will come down to personal preference, how you use the boat, and some compromise. HMY’s legion of experienced brokers will do everything in their power to shepherd you through the buying process with their usual diligence, professionalism,
and trustworthiness.
Larger center consoles and walkarounds both have ample live well space, rod storage, ga  storage, tackle drawers, and  sh boxes. So what are some of the main di erentiators? Here are a few advantages each has that you’ll want to take into consideration and discuss with your HMY broker to ensure you end up with the perfect boat.
Center Console Advantages
– Purely for  shing, the center console wins hands-down: 360- shability to chase a 30-pound mahi and ample room for multiple anglers.
– CCs generally run much faster (cruise and top-end speeds) and have a steeper deadrise, getting you o shore or to the Bahamas much faster and without loosening any  ttings.
– If a desired luxury feature isn’t standard—electric grill, sun shade, microwave, TV, swim platform, etc.—most manufacturers now o er it as an add-on.
– Minimalistic approach means less things to maintain, keeping upkeep costs down.
Walkaround Advantages
– Purely for  shing, the center console wins hands-down: 360- shability to chase a 30-pound mahi and ample room for multiple anglers.
– The cockpit provides much better protection from the elements and the cabin provides a place to relax or escape the sun.
– Overnighters are more comfortable, accommodations are more inviting for families, and there’s room for more supplies.
– Generally speaking, walkarounds have better head facilities and some have galleys. Although CCs are rapidly catching up.
– They typically feature a lower deadrise, so you can sleep on it without rocking too much. This is also a huge advantage when drift or anchor  shing.
Still not sure? Don’t fret, as in addition to the premium center consoles and walkarounds HMY has in their featured listings, you can  nd the same quality and pedigree in Express-style vessels.
Take a look at a handful of our featured center console and walkaround outboard listings and give us a call to  nd your dream boat. The thrill of the chase isn’t only limited to that trophy sail sh.
Contact an HMY Specialist for more information at 561-331-5200

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