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The past 15 months have seen a massive disruption to work—how it’s done and where it’s done. Zoom calls and home o ces suddenly were the norm. People scrambled to update or create their home o ces.
For yacht owners, this new Work From Home (WFH) presented a wonderful, unique opportunity—WFY (Work From Yacht). Even now, as employees return to the o ce in some hybrid capacity, remote work will remain to some degree.
But why be stuck at home or con ned to an o ce building when you can mix it up, get some fresh air and sunlight, and get reinvigorated by working onboard your beautiful luxury yacht, with all the same amenities as your regular or home o ce but with even better views. This type of change of scenery is great for mental health, productivity, creativity, privacy, and motivation levels.
Motor yachts and larger sport sh yachts are already  tted with all the amenities and comforts of home. With a bit of planning and a few thoughtful touches, they can easily be out tted as a perfectly viable workspace option.
Here are several things to consider as you build your onboard o ce to suit your business needs.
Get a High-Speed Wi-Fi/Satcom System
Perhaps the biggest agenda item to tackle as you build out your  oating o ce is ensuring you have a fast, reliable, and secure Wi-Fi network. If you intend to do more than just send emails, make voice calls, or browse the web, you’ll likely need greater bandwidth than a marina’s Wi-Fi hotspot can provide (although that can be a perfectly good solution for some).
When considering which Satcom system to purchase, it’s highly recommended to get the biggest antenna that will  t your yacht along with a plan that provides adequate data for your needs.

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