Page 1 - MF3010Series Service Manual (Rev.0) (1)-017-045 (1)
P. 1

2   Technical Overview > Basic Configuration > Basic Sequence > Basic Sequence of Operation
           Basic Configuration                                                                Basic Sequence

                                                                                         ■   Basic Sequence of Operation
               Configuration function
                                                                                          The engine controller controls the operation sequence. The following table provides an outline
           The machine may be broadly divided into the following 7 functional blocks: engine control   of machine operation occurring from when the power switch is turned on to when printing
           system,original exposure system, laser exposure system, image formation system, pickup   ends and Main Motor (M1) stop, indicating the purposes of intervals and engine operation.
           feed system, fixing system, and external and control system.                               Interval                  Purpose             Remarks
                                                                                         WAIT     From power-ON until initial   To clear potential from the drum  Detect whether the
                                             Original exposure system                    (Wait)   drive for Main Motor (M1) is  surface and to clean the transfer Toner cartridge is
                                                                                                                                               installed or not.
                                                                                                                        Also to bring the heater
                                                                                                                        temperature up to the targeted
                                              Laser exposure system                      STBY     From the end of the WAIT   To keep the printer ready to
                                                                                         (Standby)  period or the LSTR period   print.
                                                                                                  until the print command is
                                                                                                  sent from the main controller.
                                                                                                  Or, from the end of the LSTR
                                              Image formation system                              period until power switch is
                                                                                                  turned OFF.
                                                                                         INTR     From the input of the print   To stabilize the photosensitive
                          Engine control                                                 (initial  command from the main   drum sensitivity in preparation
                             system            Pickup feed system                                 controller until the Pickup   for printing. Also to clean the
                                                                                                  Solenoid (SL1) is turned ON. transfer roller.
                                                                                         PRINT    From the end of the INTR   To form image on the
                                                                                         (print)  period until the Paper   photosensitive drum based on
                                                 Fixing system                                    Leading Edge Sensor   the VIDEO (/VDO, VDO) signals
                                                                                                  (PS751) detects the trailing   input from the main controller,
                                                                                                  edge of paper.        and to transfer the toner image
                                                                                                                        onto paper.
                                                                                         LSTR     From the end of PRINT   To deliver the last paper   Return to the INTR
                                            External and controls system
                                                                                         (last    period until the Main Motor   completely out of the printer.  period as soon as
                                                                                         rotation)  (M1) stops.                                another print command
                                                                                                                                               is sent from the main
                          External device

                   2   Technical Overview > Basic Configuration > Basic Sequence > Basic Sequence of Operation
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