Page 5 - Groton City
P. 5

Groton Daily Independent
Moved by Blackmun and seconded by McGannon to approve two more handicapped signs in the baseball parking lot. All members present voted aye.
Moved by Blackmun and seconded by Glover to move the following cash fund balance:
From General To Bonds Payable 2015-$204,800; From General To Debt Service RR Crossing-$17,390; From General To Debt Service W Sewer-$27,910; From Electric To General-$200,000 All members present
voted aye.
Moved by Peterson and seconded by McGannon to approve participation in the Groton Chamber Golf Tournament on June 23, 2017 or donate the entry fee for prizes. All members present voted aye.
Water and electric rate study were tabled.
Moved by Peterson and seconded by Glover to move city council meetings to July 10 and 24, and declare July 3 as a holiday for city employees. All members present voted aye.
Discussion was held on the possibility of selling city jail and a new ice machine for the baseball complex.
Moved by Peterson and seconded by Glover to adjourn into executive session for personnel items 1-25-2 (1) at 7:58 pm. All members present voted aye. Council reconvened into regular session at 8:32 pm.
Meeting adjourned.
__________________________________ __________________________________ Scott Hanlon, Mayor Anita Lowary, Finance Of cer
Published once at the total approximate cost of $______.

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