Page 1 - Xinzhou Foster Care Update - Jun. 2014
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JUNE 2014 X I N Z H O U M O N T H L Y U P D A T E EMMA (LEFT) AND SANOAH (RIGHT) This month started out on a great note continued to enjoy being outside in the from the pictures of Joshua, he with the news that both Mei and warm summer months. They have also appeared to have great fun! Joshua and Emelyn were adopted domestically. We enjoyed eating summertime foods such the rest of the boys wore eye-shadow wish them and their families nothing as corn. and red lipstick as part of their but the best! Sofia and Stephanie will be In June, the local Social Welfare Institute costume that they wore for the singing adopted to the same country and their celebrated Children’s Day by having the and dancing. families are hopefully traveling together children put on performances. for We look forward to sharing more good in the month of July! The children have officials and citizens. As you will see news with you next month! MATTHEW READING THE STEPHANIE READING AT JOSHUA AND FRIENDS AT THE NUMBERS CHART SCHOOL SWI DURING CHILDREN’S DAY
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