Page 1 - Sanmenxia Foster Care Update - Apr. 2014
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APRIL 2014 S A N M E N X I A M O N T H L Y U P D A T E WE HAPPILY WELCOMED BABY WILLETHA (L) AND BABY MARCIA (R) IN APRIL! Sanmenxia Happenings... It has been a big (but welcomed) waiting families! We also learned that both in the near future! Upon entering adjustment to see all of these little Anthony who has been with us since foster care it was noticed that baby babies show up in my inbox. Since all of the fall has also been recently chosen Louis may need some hearing testing the babies are in good health, their for adoption! done. He has left foster care to receive adoption paperwork has already been Our older boys Bobby and Daniel are testing and we hope he can return! filed. We learned that upon entering still waiting on the shared list. We hope Stay tuned for more babies in the near foster care both Marcia and Geoff have that there will be good news for them future.... been referred and accepted by two DANIEL SHOWING OFF HIS NEW BABY GEOFF SAYS “I’M NUMBER TIMOTHY LOVES TO BE OUTSIDE! HAIR CUT ONE!”
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