Page 1 - Sanmenxia Foster Care Update - Jun. 2014
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JUNE 2014 S A N M E N X I A M O N T H L Y U P D A T E ANTHONY IS EXCITED TO SEE PICTURES OF HIS FAMILY (L) MARCIA AND HER FOSTER MOM (R) New Kids On The Block! So much exciting news this month! sponsors for while they are in foster Baby Geoff went to the hospital this Marcia and Anthony were both adopted care. month to have his cleft palate repaired. to families in the US in June. We are so He is said to have had a successful We have received very good news that happy for them and their families! surgery and his foster family has been Daniel’s adoption file is now listed with We will be welcoming six new babies an agency in the US. Bobby continues able to visit him often. We look forward into foster care starting in July (see the to wait on the shared list. We are to seeing new pictures of him in July! second page for pictures!) Piper, Clint, hopeful that both boys will be chosen Thank you so much for your support! Louis and Jaida are all in need of for adoption soon! ~ Victoria Tucker BOBBY AND DANIEL ARE BEST WILLETHA RELAXING ANDREW HAD A BIG GROWTH BUDDIES! SPURT THIS MONTH!
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