Page 1 - Xiaoxian Foster Care Update - Apr. 2014
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Xiaoxian Foster Care April 2014 Faith and Giana with their foster moms. In April we said goodbye to Faith and Giana. They met their forever families and are now living in the United States. Thank you for supporting these two girls and for giving them their “forever family training”. Many of you know Chandler from the Anhui Healing Home. She joined our program in late April, I look forward to watching her grow in the love of a foster family. ~Mary Neil and Eddard traveled to Kaifeng in April to be evaluated by the American doctors that were participating in the LWB Cleft Exchange. Neil had soft palate surgery to improve his speech. He was very sore for a few days, but recovered quickly. Eddard only has a very small cleft in his palate and didn’t need surgery at this time. He headed back to Xiaoxian with a smile on his face.
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