Page 1 - Changzhi Foster Care Update - Jun. 2014
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Changzhi Foster Care Program June 2014 Report Lots of our kiddos are entering the “I do it!” phase and they are learning so much. Babies Ander and Carlos joined Changzhi Foster Care this month and seeing them propped up in the corner of a sofa brings back memories of when the other kiddos were that age. Our foster families have all done such a good job of caring for these little ones. Bennett Bennett likes to play with anything and he can even catch a ball now. He is at the age where he is trying to do things by himself. He can go up and down the stairs with ease and he often goes over to the neighbors early in the morning while they are sleeping to wake them up! Isaac Isaac can put on his own pants. He likes riding the scooter and he often goes over to the neighbors’ house to ask for snacks! He gets along well with the other little boys in the neighborhood.
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