Page 14 - Term 4 baby music song book for nurseries and parents
P. 14

Composer: Traditional Musical aims:
To move in time with the pulse
I Want Someone to Buy Me a Pony
I want someone to buy me a pony. Jig, jog, jig, jog, jig - a - jog gee. Not too fast and not too bony. Jig, jog, jig, jog, jig - a - jog gee.
I would like to go for a ride,
Far across the countryside. (getting faster)
With a jig, jog, jig, jog, jig, jog, jig, jog, Jig, jog, jig - a - jog gee.
To move in time with the faster tempo at the end
To listen to the teacher sing a song with a wide range of notes (that cannot all be reached by children)
To engage babies in the physical experience of bouncing
To move to a regular beat
To be moved in time with the pulse, quickly and slowly
CL (LA) & (S)
To encourage listening, attention and speech through the use of a toy and instruments
To develop fine motor skills through holding and manipulating instruments
        ©2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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