Page 5 - Term Two drama lesson plans - preschool parent copy
P. 5
To motivate children to be active, to play an activity that involves moving and stopping, to move freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, to develop locomotor coordination
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To negotiate the space by adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles when moving
To take part in an active and energetic activity that encourages health
M (N)
To count down from ten
To think up an imaginative way to get to Storyland, to imagine people, objects or creatures that can be seen along the way and to play cooperatively as a part of a group to act out an imaginative narrative
4. Introduce the theme
PSED (MR) & CL (L/A)
To watch as volunteers show you their imaginary items
PSED (MR), (SC/SA) & (F/B), CL (S) & EAD (BI) To take turns showing the group your imaginary item
To experiment making different vocal sounds
To encourage listening and attention through the use of props (sparkly bag and picture of a suitcase)
CL (U)
To understanding the meaning of words through actions
To think up and mime using an imaginary item
5. Actionsongorpoem:‘I’dLiketoGoonHoliday’writtenbyLucyMilanDavis
(spoken) I’d like to go on Holiday, Somewhere that I can play.
I’d like to go on holiday, Somewhere far away.
I’d like to go to the beach today!
(sung) I like swimming at the beach, I like swimming at the beach,
I like swimming at the beach,
On my holiday.
PSED (MR), (SC/SA) & (F/B), CL (S) & EAD (BI)
To take turns suggesting places to go and activities to do there
CL (LA) & (S), L (R) & M (SSM)
To develop listening, attention, speech and literacy skills through joining in with the words of a song that follows a repetitive pattern
CL (U)
To understanding the meaning of words through actions
L (W)
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