Page 3 - Term 4 Music Song Bank
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Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term Four Song Bank Welcome and goodbye
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre-schoolers
Startin g pitch
Flutter, Flutter Butterfly
Flutter, flutter butterfly.
Flutter off into the sky.
(faster) Flutter, flutter very fast.
(back to normal tempo) Wave to me as you go past.
Bye, bye butterfly.
1. "It’s time to say goodbye using our butterflies. Let’s all pick up a butterfly from the floor." Make a butterfly shape with your hands and flutter them up and down according to the movement of pitches in the melody (e.g. moving hands from low to high for first three lines, from high to low for fourth line and up/down/up/down for final line). Adults should help the babies with the actions where possible. Sing the song just once.
Same as for babies except most of the toddlers will be able to do the actions on their own and older toddlers can join in with the singing.
1. "It’s time to say goodbye using our butterflies. Let’s all pick up a butterfly from the floor." Sing the song for the children and demonstrate the actions.
2. Sing the song and ask the children to help you with the actions.
3. Sing the song through the song once and the children join in with the singing and the actions.
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