Page 7 - Princesses & Superheroes 2 hour
P. 7

The princesses are twirling, the princesses are twirling, the princesses are twirling, in the princess class.
The princesses and heroes are sleeping, the princesses and heroes are sleeping, the princesses and heroes are sleeping in the princess and hero class.
The princesses and heroes are waking, the princesses and heroes are waking, the princesses and heroes are waking in the princess and hero class.
“Now I’m going to be the baddie and chase you and see how many princesses and superheroes I can catch!” Chase the children as you sing the final verse.
The baddie is chasing...
Ask the birthday boy/girl if they would like to be the next baddie. If they say no, choose someone with their hand up who managed to escape you. Remind the next baddie that when you sing “The baddie is chasing” they must catch as many superheroes and princesses as possible. Repeat and then choose a child who “managed to escape” to be the next baddie (otherwise they’ll all just be caught on purpose). Repeat as many times as necessary (for example if there is no pass the parcel and/or not many children you may get through the activities quickly and so extend this one, or if you are running behind you could perform the activity just two or three times).
17. MUSICAL BUMPS (without instruments): ‘Everything is Awesome’ performed by Tegan and Sara featuring the Lonely Island
“Well done everyone! You’ve done an excellent job of chasing. But princesses and superheroes must also be excellent at rescuing!” Ask the children if they know the game ‘Musical Bumps’. Tell them that they’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Musical Rescue!’ Tell the children they are going to fly around the room like superheroes and magic princesses (demonstrate flying as you say this) and when the music stops they must jump down to earth to rescue someone as quickly as they can (demonstrate jumping down to sit as you say this). Do not eliminate children or make anyone ‘out’. Rather, tell them that you will be watching carefully and if they jump down quickly when the music stops then they will all get some magic sparkles at the end of the party! Play the track and the children dance. Pause the music sporadically and the children jump down to earth to rescue someone. Point out children who are jumping down quickly. At the end of the game, congratulate the children on doing a great job and tell them they’ve all won some magic sparkles that you will give them at the end of the party.
18. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH HIDING: ‘All Around the Castle’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’)
“Does anyone know where princesses live? And what’s the name of the scary monster that sometimes keeps the princess trapped inside? Now we’re going to play a game all about dragons.” The children hold the edges of the parachute and walk around in a circle as you sing the song. They keep the parachute still until “Roarrrrr” when they quickly lift it high into the air. Once the children understand the game, reveal the toy dragon and place it on top of the parachute. Repeat the song several times with the dragon on top, tossing it high into the air on “Roarrrrr”.
All around the castle,
The knight chased the dragon. The dragon thought it was all fun, “Roarrrrr” went the dragon.
Take the toy off and ask the children if they’d like to hide underneath. If there are 12 children or less they can take turns hiding under in groups of three. If there are more than 12 children, ask an adult to hold the other end of the parachute so all the children can hide under at once. Sing the song and lift the parachute up as you say “Roarrrrr” to reveal the hidden children. Repeat at least once if all the children are hiding at the same time. If the children have been taking turns, perform the activity one last time so they can all hide under at once.
19. ACTIONSONGORPOEMTWO:‘Heads,Shoulders,KneesandToes’performedby Lucy sparkles & Friends
 © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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