Page 13 - Term 2 toddler music song book for preschools and parents
P. 13
I Love Mummy
I love mummy, I love mummy.
Yes I do, yes I do.
All I want to say is Happy Mother's Day. I love you. Yes I do!
Composer: Traditional tune, lyrics unknown Musical aims:
To feel the pulse through actions
To sing along with a live instrument
CL (LA) & (S)
To encourage listening, attention and speech through repetition
To develop upper body coordination and control through actions and self-awareness through touching body parts
CL (U) & L (R)
To understand the meaning of words through actions (e.g. nodding heads for 'yes')
UW (TW) & (PC)
To learn about Mother's Day and to tell the children about your own mother
To move to a regular beat
©2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD