Page 24 - Term 2 toddler music song book for preschools and parents
P. 24
Circle to the left old brass wagon, Circle to the left old brass wagon, Circle to the left old brass wagon. You're the one my darlin'.
Composer: Traditional
Musical aims:
Old Brass Wagon
Circle to the right old brass wagon... Everybody in old brass wagon... Everybody out old brass wagon... Everybody jump old brass wagon... Everybody clap old brass wagon...
To feel pulse through walking and/or moving with the parachute
To think up new verses and actions
To work cooperatively, make good eye contact and move in sync in the walking circle game and/or with the parachute
PSED (MR) & (F/B)
To try out other people's ideas
CL (LA) & (S)
To encourage listening, attention and speech through repetition and the use of props
CL (U)
To understand the stages and sequences of the game
M (SSM) & L (R)
To pre-empt the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
To develop coordination and control through actions, moving the parachute to a steady beat and alternating movements, and to develop fine motor skills through gripping onto and manipulating the parachute
M (N)
To count to ten
To think up and express an idea to the group
CL (U) & L (R)
To understand the meaning of words through actions
L (W)
To develop vocabulary and grammar by changing lyrics
To move to a regular beat
To pretend that we are taking our finger puppets for a ride in an old brass wagon
©2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD