Page 13 - Pre-school Dance Plans: Autumn
P. 13
Autumn Lesson six: people who help us
Downloadable Songs
Let’s Make a Circle. Miss Polly Had a Dolly Catch that Fox!
Songs to Source
Shake Your Sillies Out Colonel Hathi’s March Fireman Sam
Props Required
Music player, music speaker, sparkly magic bag, ‘People Who Help Us’ laminate (fire fighter, police officer, teacher, doctor, bin collector, farmer, post officer, milk deliverer, nurse), dolly (if there is one that you can borrow), parachute, egg shaker and magic sparkles
Lesson Plan
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles See autumn lesson one. Make sure to use lots of energy!
* Running time approx. 2 mins.
2. Stretching and curling: Hedgehogs See autumn lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘Colonel Hathi’s March’ performed by Disney Studio Chorus & J. Pat O’Malley
“Today we’re going to practise marching.” Explain the difference between marching and walking. Using the ‘brains in feet’ analogy from ‘The Walking Song’ video, practise marching on the spot in time. Make sure the children lift their knees to their belly buttons and keep their arms straight. Play the track and everybody marches around the room. Keep it interesting by halting, changing direction, saluting, standing to attention and marching up high and down low etc.
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ written by Anne Porter Without speaking, get the children into a circle by singing ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ as in autumn lesson one.
Reveal the ‘People Who Help Us’ laminate. Ask volunteers to name the jobs of the people they can see and say how they help us.
NB: Please ensure your terms are not gendered. E.g. firefighter not fireman/woman.
* Running time approx. 3 mins
5. Fine Motor Skills: ‘Helpful People’ written by Sarah Moss and Lucy Milan Davis
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Say the below rhyme using the finger movements from ‘Dinosaur Fingers’ in autumn lesson two.
Here’s the firefighter who’s big and strong, Here’s the teacher who’s never wrong. Here’s the police officer keeping us safe, And here’s the bin collector disposing of our waste.
* Running time approx. 2 min
Here’s the farmer who works the land, Here’s the nurse with a helping hand. Here’s the doctor who helps us feel better, And here is the postie with another letter!
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