Page 6 - Winter baby music song book for nurseries and parents
P. 6
Composer: Traditional Musical aims:
To feel the pulse through actions
To move at faster and slower tempos
Cobbler, Cobbler
Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe. Get it done by half past two. Half past two is much too late. Get it done by half past eight.
To encourage in tune singing by introducing a two note song and singing it in a register that is comfortable for the children
EYFS Aims:
To develop fine motor skills by providing an object to be held and to practise coordination and control by playing the pulse and moving at faster and slower speeds
L (R)
To sing a song with the same rhyming sound at the end of each line
To create a sound through banging, shaking or tapping and to move to a regular beat
To pretend to be Cobblers mending shoes
To learn about Cobblers and what their job entails
To encourage listening and attention through percussion instruments
CL (U) & L (R)
To understand and demonstrate the meaning of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’
©2018 Lucy Sparkles LTD