Page 7 - Term one pre-school music song book for ELCs and parents
P. 7
Composer: Traditional Musical aims:
To tap the pulse
To sing a solo
Down Comes Mary
Down comes Mary, down comes she. She is looking for the button and the key. Who has the button?
I have the button.
Who has the key?
I have the key.
To sing in tune as solos echo melody of previous phrase
To distinguish between the timbres of different voices
Ph/F & MM
To learn and memorise a complicated structure and to know when it's their turn to sing (call and response)
To build self-confidence through singing a solo and/or having a special turn
PSED (MR) & (F/B) To wait for a turn
PSED (MR), CL (LA) & UW (PC) To learn each other's names
To listen for when it is their turn to sing, distinguish between different voices and to listen to other children singing solo
CL (LA) & (S)
To encourage listening, attention and solo singing through the use of a prop
CL (U)
To take part in an activity that requires an understanding of several stages and sequences
L (R)
To discuss the characters in the story
To move to a steady beat
To pretend to be Mary, the button or key holder and/or narrator
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