Page 15 - Term 4 preschool music song book for nurseries and parents
P. 15
I went to school one morning and I walked like this, Walked like this, walked like this.
I went to school one morning and I walked like this. All on my way to school.
I saw a little robin and it hopped like this... I saw a big puddle and I splashed like this (jump),
Splashed like this (jump), splashed like this (jump).. Composer: Traditional
Musical aims:
To walk in time with the pulse
To move at a faster tempo when the school bell rings
To jump in the puddles during the rests
To sing along with the guitar
To improvise new verses
I saw a big puddle and I splashed like this (jump). All on my way to school.
I saw a little pony and it galloped like this...
I saw a little ducky and it waddled like this...
I saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this...
I saw a tall policeman and he stood like this...
I heard the school bell ringing and I jogged like this... (faster tempo)
I Went to School One Morning
CL (U), L (R) & PD (MH)
To understand the meaning of words through actions and to use the vocabulary of movement
To develop upper body coordination through set actions and to experiment with different ways of moving
To move to a regular beat
To pretend to be all the different things we see on the way to school
To build self-confidence through having a special turn of their own
To think up and express an idea to the group
PSED (MR) & (F/B) & CL (LA)
To wait for a turn and to listen to and try out other people's ideas
©2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD