Page 30 - Term 4 preschool music song book for nurseries and parents
P. 30

Composer: Traditional Musical aims:
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch your nose.
Teddy bear... touch your toes. Teddy bear... touch the ground. Teddy bear... turn around. Teddy bear... climb the stairs. Teddy bear... say your prayers. Teddy bear... turn off the light. Teddy bear... say goodnight.
To perform actions in time with the pulse and to clap the pulse
To clap the rhythm
To develop inner hearing
To develop self-awareness through naming and touching body parts
To develop coordination and control through actions
To encourage listening and attention through the use of a toy, props and through altering vocal dynamics
CL (LA) & CL (S)
To develop listening, attention and speech through the use of the repetition of 'teddy bear, teddy bear'
M (SSM) & L (R)
To pre-empt the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
To practise moving to a regular beat and in time with the rhythm
EAD (MM), CL (U) & L (R)
To learn language to describe sounds and to demonstrate the meaning of 'pulse' and 'rhythm'
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