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2. WARM UP DANCE: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
Play the track and perform the dance as in the video. Make sure to use lots of energy!
3. GET THE CHILDREN INTO A CIRCLE: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ written by Anne Porter Without speaking, get the children into a circle by singing the following song acapella:
Let’s make a circle,
A circle a circle.
Let’s make a circle,
At insert child’s name’s birthday party.
Repeat until everyone is in a circle. Please use this song every time you need the children in a circle throughout the duration of the party.
4. WISHING SONG: ‘Starlight Starbright’ by Traditional
“Let’s see what we’re going to do first.” Reveal sword if birthday child is dressed as a pirate and wand if birthday child is dressed as a princess. If it’s a joint party with one of each just choose according to whether there are more ‘pirates’ or ‘princesses’ in attendance. “Does anyone know what this is? (pause for children to answer) This is my magic wishing sword/wand and today we’re going to use it to wish for things we need to become real pirates and princesses. You can wish for a pirate hat, a pirate sword, a tiara, a castle, or anything else you need to be a real pirate or princess. But first you need to learn the magic wishing song and it goes like this.” As you sing the song, point your sword to different children to the pulse.
All: (sung)
Starlight, starbright,
First star I see tonight.
Wish I may, wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight.
You: (sung) What should we wish for? (to the birthday boy/girl the first time)
(you may need to give some more suggestions)
Child: (spoken) We should wish for a pirate ship. (the child invents their own wish)
You: (spoken) Now, let’s all say “One, two, three abracadabra” to wish for a pirate ship! All (spoken): One, two three, abracadabra! (the children wave their imaginary wands)
Repeat several times as above, except for at the end of each verse when you ask the children to put their hand up if they would like to make a wish. You then sing “What should we wish for?” to a child that has their hand up. If you have more than ten children, you could try asking a few children at a time (at the end of each verse before saying “one, two, three abracadabra”) to speed up the activity. If you have more than 20 children you can ask everyone that hasn’t had a turn to shout their suggestion at once.
5. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE ONE: ‘The Captain’s Wavy Walk’ performed by The Wiggles
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Who can tell me what the captain makes naughty pirates do? (they have to walk the plank) Now I’m going to teach you a dance all about walking the plank like a naughty pirate.” Go through the tricky moves then play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
6. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH TOY/S ON TOP: ‘Ten Toys on the Pirate Ship’ (tune of ‘Two Teddies on a Trampoline’ by Linda Bance)
“Who can tell me what pirates use to travel the seven seas? ...Let’s make a pirate ship now with the parachute.” Explain that you must first practice with the imaginary parachute. If everyone listens very well then you will take out the real parachute. Sing the song and move your arms up and down to the pulse. “The sea is very rocky!”
© 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD