Page 4 - Princess 2 hour
P. 4

they must freeze so the witch can’t hear them and steal their treasures. “If everyone
stands really still when the music stops, you will all win a Haribo treat.”
d) “I am going to turn into the naughty witch every time the music stops.”
e) Give each child a musical treasure.
f) Play ‘Shake it Off’ and the children march around the room and shake their musical
g) Pause the music and pretend to be the naughty witch. The children freeze. You get
grumpy because they’ve managed to escape you. “I’ll get you next time!” Try to be as
silly as you can to make the children laugh.
h) Repeat several times until you confess that the princesses have beaten you and delivered
the musical treasures to the royal palace. You cry and say “I want my mummy!”
i) Walk away and when you turn back you are no longer the naughty witch. Tell the children that you’ve turned back into a princess, congratulate them and tell them you
will give them their Haribo prize before you go home.
9. ACTION SONG OR POEM ONE: ‘There Was a Princess Long Ago’ by Traditional The children are standing in a circle and holding hands. Ask the birthday girl if she would like to be the special princess (if not ask them if they’d like a friend to be the princess with them or choose another child) and give her a tiara to wear. The chosen child stands in the middle of the circle. The group sings the first verse and walks around the princess in a circle. NB: Birthday girls aged 3-4 will usually prefer to have a friend in the middle with them.
There was a princess long ago, long ago, long ago, There was a princess long ago. Long, long ago.
(children in the circle lift their arms up to be the walls of the tower)
She lived in a big high tower, big high tower, big high tower. She lived in a big high tower. Long, long ago.
(choose one boy or girl to leave the circle, go into the middle and cast a spell on the princess using a magic wand)
A witch was naughty and cast a spell, cast a spell, cast a spell.
A witch was naughty and cast a spell. Long, long ago.
(princess lies down and sleeps)
The princess slept for a hundred years, a hundred years, a hundred years. The princess slept for a hundred years. Long, long ago.
(choose one boy or girl to ‘ride’ an imaginary horse, using a coloured scarf as the reins, around the outside of the circle, you demonstrate first)
A handsome prince came riding by, riding by, riding by.
A handsome prince came riding by. Long, long ago.
(prince kisses princess who wakes up)
He/she kissed her hand to wake her up, wake her up, wake her up. He/she kissed her hand to wake her up. Long, long ago.
All the children hold hands with a partner (including the prince and princess who hold hands with each other) and dance around in a circle as you sing the last verse two times.
There was a happy celebration, celebration, celebration. There was a happy celebration. Long, long ago.
Ask the children if they know a game called ‘Grandma’s Footsteps’. Tell them they’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Princess’ Footsteps’. Tell them to stand in a line against the wall at the back of the room. You stand roughly five meters in front of them and place the tiara on the floor just in front of you (you should still have it from the previous activity). Tell the children that if they can take the tiara without you noticing them then they will have beaten you to become the winners! When you turn your back to the children they must creep towards you as quietly as they can, but when you turn to face them they must freeze! If you see them moving they must go back to the wall and start again. The game ends when one of the children manages to take the tiara whilst your back it turned. When you face the
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