Page 20 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Three
P. 20
Term Three Lesson Nine: Getting Ready for Bed Two
Downloadable Songs
Let’s Make a Circle There Were Five in the Bed
Songs to Source
Shake Your Sillies Out You’ve Got a Friend in Me Splish Splash
Props Required
Music player, music speaker, sparkly magic bag, bubbles, Wee Willy Winky laminate, parachute and magic sparkles
Lesson Plan
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles See term three lesson one.
* Running time approx. 2 mins.
2. Stretching and curling: Elephants Spraying Water See term three lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’ performed and written by Randy Newman
See term three lesson six.
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ written by Anne Porter Without speaking, get the children into a circle by singing ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ as in term three lesson one.
“Can anyone remember what we learnt about last week?” Ask a child to suggest something that they do at night to get ready for bed (e.g. have dinner, clean teeth, take a bath, comb hair etc.). The chosen child then mimes doing that activity and the rest of the group copies. Repeat several times.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Getting Ready for Bed’ written by Lucy Milan Davis and Tamara Saffir
See term three lesson eight.
* Running time approx. 2 mins.
6. Choreographed dance: ‘Splish Splash’ co-written by Bobby Darin and Murray Kaufman and performed by Bobby Darin
See term three lesson eight.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
7. Action song: ‘Wee Willy Winky’ (traditional)
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Reveal picture of Wee Willy Winky. “In the olden days there was a special man called Wee Willy Winky. He would run through the street in his pyjamas at night time to tell all the children to go to sleep.” Perform the song three times using the actions from the video.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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