Page 27 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Three
P. 27

Term Three Lesson Twelve: Being Healthy Downloadable Songs Songs to Source
Let’s Make a Circle
Shake Your Sillies Out Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo Fruit Salad Shake It Off
Props Required
Music player, music speaker, sparkly magic bag, magic wands (optional), egg shakers and magic sparkles
Lesson Plan
1. Warm-up: ‘Shake Your Sillies Out’ performed by The Wiggles See term three lesson one.
* Running time approx. 2 mins.
2. Stretching and curling: Elephants Spraying Water See term three lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
3. Travel to Danceland: ‘Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo’ performed by Verna Felton
Tell the children they will be skipping to Danceland like fairies again, but that this week they will be magic fairies. “When we say, ‘Abracadabra’, and wave our magic wands we have to turn around and go the other way.” Demonstrate turning as you explain. Play the music and the children follow you in skipping to Danceland. You call “freeze” and the children freeze. You all say “1, 2 3 Abracadabra” and turn as you wave your real or imaginary wands. You then start skipping in the opposite direction. Repeat several times.
* Running time approx. 4 mins.
4. Introduce the theme: ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ written by Anne Porter Without speaking, get the children into a circle by singing ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ as in term three lesson one.
Briefly explain how healthy foods help our bodies to work. Volunteers suggest a healthy food and everyone pretends to eat it. If an unhealthy food is suggested, congratulate the child for offering an idea but ask the class if they are sure that suggestion is healthy. Then ask the child to try and think of something more healthy. * Running time approx. 3 mins.
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Chop, Chop’ (Traditional)
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Perform the rhyme using the actions shown in the video
N.B. This is different to the ‘Chop, Chop’ activity seen in other Lucy Sparkles & Friends plans.
a) “We’re going to make a healthy vegetable soup! First we need a giant pot.” Mime taking out a giant pot and the children should naturally copy you. Ask a volunteer to suggest a vegetable to include.
b) “Now we need to chop up our vegetable!” Make your right hand the chopping board (flat palm facing up). Mime placing the suggested vegetable on top of the chopping board. Then with your left hand, make scissors (pointer and middle finger scissor action). On the first, second and fourth lines of the rhyme, use your scissors to chop the vegetable to the pulse. On the third line (‘What
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