Page 7 - Term one toddler music song book for ELCs and parents
P. 7

Composer: Traditional Musical aims:
To tap the pulse
Down Comes Mary
Down comes Mary, down comes she. She is looking for the button and the key. Who has the button?
I have the button.
Who has the key?
I have the key
To sing in tune as responses echo melody of calls
Ph/F & MM
To learn and memorise a complicated structure and to know when it's their turn to sing (call and response)
To build self-confidence through having a special turn
PSED (MR) & (F/B) To wait for a turn
To listen for when it is their turn to sing (call and response) and to encourage listening and attention through props
CL (U)
To take part in an activity that requires an understanding of several stages and sequences
To move to a steady beat
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