Page 35 - Term 2 baby music song book for preschools and parents
P. 35

The Typewriter
Click on song name to listen on YouTube.
Composer: Leroy Anderson Musical aims:
To pay attention to the beauty of instrumental music and to find enjoyment in patient, attentive listening
To emphasise phrasing by marking the end of each phrase with a swipe or tap
PSED (MR) (babies classes with parents only)
To enrich the parent/child relationship through listening to music and tickling
PSED (F/B) & PD (MH)
To listen to music of different styles and from different cultures which capture particular moods
To encourage listening and attention through the use of props or bubbles, and to encourage listening for the pauses and swipes through actions
To encourage children to feel bubbles or scarves and to move to music rhythmically (classes in the without parents present only)
       ©2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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