Page 43 - Term 2 baby music song book for preschools and parents
P. 43
Yigi Yigi
(listening only)
Click on song name to listen on YouTube.
Composer: David Hudson Musical aims:
To pay attention to the beauty of instrumental music and to find enjoyment in patient, attentive listening
To develop a sense of rhythm (as adults help children to clap the repetitive four accent rhythm pattern played by the didgeridoo)
R (classes with parents only)
To feel the rhythm as parents carry babies and walk in time with the rhythm
To enrich the parent/child relationship through the shared experience of moving together to music
PSED (F/B) & PD (MH)
To listen to music of different styles and from different cultures which capture particular moods and to listen to gentle music
PD (MH) & EAD (MM)
To clap along to a simple rhythm
To develop listening and attention through the use of bubbles
To learn about didgeridoos
To encourage children to feel bubbles
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