Page 3 - KEW News 2020-12 Final
P. 3

 Arthur Choo
New Managing Agent
The Council has appointed Hilandas as the new Managing Agent for Kew Green from 9th November 2020.
We are glad to welcome the Head of Technical Service of Hilandas, Mr Arthur Choo as the acting condo manager until we get the permanent manager.
Alongside Arthur, Ah Luck Ung has taken the position as our full-time technician. The new team is supported by a team at the Head Office, including James Pan (Portfolio Manager), Aden Ho (Account Manager) and Alan Chua.
We wish the Hilandas team a lot of success with their new appointment.
Ah Luck Ung
The Hilandas Team
Front row left to right: Arthur Choo, Alan Chua
Back row left to right: Ah Luck Ung, James Pan, Aden Ho

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