Page 3 - NL November 2018
P. 3

   [Descriptor] Document title Date/year [Labelling] Section title
Theory development and Research Conference in London, July 5th and 6th, 2018
 As seen by the insider from TDRC
Written by Günther Mohr, TSTA, Frankfurt/Germany,
To address the need for research in TA today, every three years the EATA conference focuses on research and the- ory development (TDR). This year´s London TA Theory Development and Research conference 2018 was organized by IARTA (International Association of Relational TA) and EATA (European Association forTransactional Analysis). The conference was partly situated in the premises of Metanoia Institute. Thanks to the organizers of the confer- ence, namely Mica Douglas, Biljana van Rijn and all the others.
Presenters were offered the opportunity to provide their inputs in different formats. Charlotte Sills and Steve Chap- man opened the first day of the Conference with a keynote event: “Creative Adventures in Transactional Analysis.” The topic was presented in a very interactive format with several exercises performed in pairs in the big group. Mick Cooper opened the second day of the conference with a keynote speech: “Developing an integrative model of counselling and psychotherapy: Contributions from (and to) Transactional Analysis“.
 EATA Newletter No 12103
ONoctvoebmebr e2r02108718

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