Page 31 - 2020 Classical Singer Magazine January Summer Program Issue
P. 31

Columbus State University
Schwob School of Music Voice Studies
Maureen McKay, soprano
Metropolitan Opera, Komische Oper Berlin
Michael Sumuel, baritone
Finalist, 2012 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions; San Francisco Opera; Houston Grand Opera; Glyndebourne Festival (England)
Paula Sides, soprano
English Opera Company
Gwendolyn Reid, mezzo soprano
Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany
Kimberli Render, soprano
First Place Winner, Denver Lyric Opera Guild Competition
Earl Coleman
William and Isabelle Curry Eminent Scholar Chair in Voice
Michelle Murphy DeBruyn Ianthe Marini
The Paul S. and Jean R. Amos Distinguished Chair for Choral Activities
Joshua May Debbie Anderson
choral | studio | opera
BA in Music | BM in Music Performance | MM in Music Performance BM in Music Education | Artist Diploma
Over $800,000 in music scholarships annually
Woodruff Award: For entering undergraduate students. Winners receive full tuition, room and board, plus a $5,000 stipend. Video applications due March 1
Assistantships: Tuition plus stipend for qualifying graduates
For audition and scholarship information, please visit our website.
con icts,” he says, adding that they have often found being there for each other at the beginning of a contract’s rehearsal period can be even more bene cial than attending performances. “It helps allay the homesickness and the other stresses of traveling to have your person there. I do adore her singing and her artistry—hers is my favorite voice, so I’ll always be there when I can.”
The couple performed Wagner’s Die M eistersinger von Nürnberg together in 2018 in Beijing, China. “It was a great time, especially since we had last performed that piece together just before we married,” Handley says.
Handley and Majeski sometimes do recitals together but do not have any plans for future performances together at the moment. “Of course, we always enjoy performing with one another,” he says, “but we’re together in spirit whether performing together or not—or even in di erent time zones—and the role of supporter is just as important as the role onstage.”
Also, while at the Ryan Opera Center, Majeski met friend and colleague mezzo-soprano Emily Fons. It’s been a lasting, rewarding friendship for Fons. “I think it’s so important in this business to have friends who understand the unique challenges of this profession and who can be there for you when you need to bounce some ideas o 
2020 Summer Seminars
9 hours of small-group work on technique
Help for the Troubled Voice Enhancement of the Healthy Voice Where Science Meets Art
31⁄2 days — 20 hours of instruction
7 lectures, including
Life Cycle of the Voice • Speaking Voice Practicing Repertoire • Popular Styles
Plus: Opening Night BBQ and Faculty Recital
Salem, MA — July 9–12 Greenville, SC — July 15–18
$499 31

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