Page 68 - 2020 Classical Singer Magazine January Summer Program Issue
P. 68

Summer Scene
“Singers need to be prepared to take care
of themselves technically during a YAP. It is harder than it seems because we singers are all people pleasers. We want to do all the work given to us by each and every coach, voice teacher, and director.”
and to technical advice that we may  nd counterintuitive to our technique or not in service to our personal training.
Carol Vaness, star soprano
and professor of voice at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, plays an ongoing and major role
in the lives of countless singers at the collegiate and post-collegiate levels. She is quick to address the topic of technique—protecting and maintaining it.
“In many ways it is di cult for singers to say no,” Vaness says. “Singers need to be prepared to take care of themselves technically during a YAP. It is harder than it seems because we singers are all people pleasers. We want to do all the work given to us by each and every coach, voice teacher, and director.
“But let’s face it, we got into the program because of how we sang.
Program besides the obvious
ones of employment and valuable experience,” Tweten shares. “There is much to be gained from both one’s young artist and professional colleagues, whether it be talking about technical or interpretive things, how to deal with aspects
of performance in speci c roles,
or thoughts on the many unique realities of a singing career. Most programs have wonderful coaches and teachers from many diverse companies who may have a di erent
way of articulating something than your regular teachers and coaches but may click with you in a di erent and helpful way. Sometimes a small piece of information translates into something huge if the timing is right, so try to get as many opinions as you can handle.”
Maestro Tweten’s advice on getting as many opinions as you can handle is a self-preserving strategy in a discipline where it’s frequently hard to say no—no to opportunities, to roles that won’t be good for us,
MAY 25 - JUNE 14, 2020
Hänsel and Gretel, W. Dwight Coleman, Director Rolando Salazar, Musical Director
Die Zauber öte, Carroll Freeman, Director Grant Jones, Musical Director
Plus a fully staged Scenes Program Artist-in-Residence to be announced in January, 2020
Discover the Summer Opera Workshop, a unique program with a relaxed yet professional atmosphere in the heart of Atlanta. The three- week workshop includes acting and movement classes, instruction in stage makeup, stage combat and foreign language diction, private coaching, seminars and master classes with international artists, fully staged, and costumed productions of Hänsel and Gretel and Die Zauber öte.
Friday, February 7, 2020
68 Classical Singer / Jan/Feb 2020
Live Audition: Video Audition:
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 University of Southern Mississippi
Saturday, February 15, 2020, 10:00 AM Kopleff Recital Hall
Saturday, February 15, 2020
For more information, please visit our website or call 404-413-5902.

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