Page 13 - Lucy Walker Compline
P. 13
The Lord’s Prayer
œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙.
œ. œœ
(q = 72)
&bbbbbmp ‰jœ
j œ˙Œœœ
Music: Lucy Walker
Our Fa∑ther, which art in hea ∑ven,
hal ∑ lowed be thy œœœœœœ˙. œœœœœœœ˙ œ
&bbbbbmp ‰j
Our Fa∑ther, which art in hea ∑ ven,
&bbbbbmp œœ‰œjœœ˙ ˙ ‹ œ
hal ∑ lowed be thy name; thy j œ ˙ Œœ
œ. œœ
hal ∑ lowed be thy name; thy œœj
Our Fa∑ther, which art in hea ∑ ven,
¢?bbbbbœ ‰œJœœ˙˙ œ.œœœ˙Œœœ Our Fa∑ther, which art in hea ∑ ven, hal ∑ lowed be thy name; thy
6 bbbb œ œ œ j œœœœœ &bœœ
king∑dom come; thy will be done, on earth &bbbbb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œj ˙ œ
king∑dom come; thy will be done, on earth as &bbbbbœœœœ œœœ. œjœœœ
‹ king∑dom come; thy will be done, on earth as
¢?bbbbbœœœœœœœœ. œJ˙. king∑dom come; thy will be done, on earth
œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ
as it is in
œ ˙. œ
it is in
œ ˙.œ
it is in
œ œœœœ
as it is in