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P. 7

Tefilat HaDerech
A traditional prayer that asks for a safe journey
May it be Your will, Adonai, our God, and God of our ancestors, that You lead us in peace, direct our steps in peace, guide us to peace, and make us reach our desired destination alive, joyful and in peace. Rescue us from any foe and obstacle on our way, and from all afflictions that trouble the world. Send blessing and success to the works of our hands, and grant us graciousness, kindness, and compassion in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us.
Hear our appeals, for You are a God who hears prayers and appeals. Blessed are You, Adonai, who listens to prayers.
Y’hi ratzon mil’fanecha, Adonai Eloheinu vElohei avoteinu, shetolicheinu l’shalom, v’tatzideinu l’shalom, v’tadricheinu l’shalom. V’tagi-einu lim’choz chef’tzeinu l’chaim ul’simcha ul’shalom. V’tatzileinu mikaf
kol oiyeiv v’oreiv v’lis’tim v’chayot rayot baderech, umikol minei pur’anuyot hamit’rag’shot lavo la-olam. V’tish’lach b’racha b’chol ma- asei yadeinu, v’tit’neinu l’chaim ul’chesed ul’rachamim b’einecha, uv’einei chol ro-einu, v’tish’ma kol tachanuneinu. Ki El shomei-a
Tefilat HaDerech Transliteration
te’fila v’tachanun Atah. Baruch Atah Adonai, shomei-a tefila.
תפילת הדרך
ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן ִמ ְל ָפ ֶני ָך ה’ ֱאל ֹ ֵקינוּ ֵואל ֹ ֵהי ֲאבוֹ ֵתינוּ, ֶשָׁתּוֹ ִלי ֵכנוּ ְל ָשָׁלוֹם ְו ַת ְצ ִעי ֵדנוּ ְל ָשָׁלוֹם ְו ַת ְד ִרי ֵכנוּ ְל ָשָׁלוֹם, ְו ַתִגִּי ְֵענוּ ִל ְמחוֹז ֶח ְפ ֵצנוּ ְל ַחִיּיםוּ ְל ִשִׂ ְמ ָחהוּ ְל ָשָׁלוֹם. ְו ַת ִצִּי ֵלנוּ ִמ ַכָּף ָכָּלאוֹיֵב ְואוֵֹרב ְו ִל ְס ִטים ְו ַחיּוֹת ָרעוֹת ַבֶּדֶֶּרך,וִּמָכָּלִמיֵניֻפְֻּרָעֻניָּוֹתַהִמְִּתַרְגִּשָׁוֹתָלבוֹאָלעוָֹלם,ְוִתְשַָׁלחְבָּרָכהְבָּכלַמֲעֵשִׂהיֵָדינוּ,ְוִתְתֵּננוְּלֵחן וְּלֶחְֶסדוְּלַרֲחִמיםְבֵּעיֶניךוְּבֵעיֵניָכלרֵֹאינוּ,ְוִתְשַָׁמעקוֹלַתֲּחנוֵּנינוּ,ִכָּיקלשָׁוֵֹמַעְתִּפָלָּהְוַתֲחנוּןאַָתּה.
ָבּרוּך אַ ָתּה ה’ שָׁוֹ ֵמ ַע ְתּ ִפ ָלָּה.

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