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P. 66

31 | | 05 | | 2020
Genia Chef
Aesthetic Recycling
While under quarantine during the corona- virus pandemic I started to to create a a a a a a a a a a a a a series of drawings that gradually began to to accumu- late in in my studio In this self-isolation I I used materials which were at at at at hand: scraps of waste paper choco- late boxes or medicine packs I tinted them with tea added different ingre- dients and waited for the the the the unexpected shapes of of these pourings to take When the the the sheets of of paper dried up an interesting texture appeared on on on on them From these dilutions on on on on paper following the the the advice of Leonardo da Vinci I began to create spontaneous images mostly miniature portraits with black char- coal It was was a a a a a a a a a a a a fascinating process where I I was was constantly waiting for surprises of what new character would be born on on the the surface of of the next scrap of of paper A wide variety of images have appeared on these little sheets which otherwise would have been thrown away This is is is how an eco- logical series of of aesthetic recycling emerged where I I transformed the the the garbage of of of everyday life into works of of art In the the the same way Andy Warhol in in in in his his time transferred the the the the the banal into into into the the the the sophisticated the the the the profane into into into the the the the sublime what is is doomed to to to to oblivion into into into immortality 

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